MOLDRAW: a program to display and manipulate molecular and crystalline structures


by Piero UGLIENGO  University of Torino - Dipartimento Chimica. Via P. Giuria 7 -10125 Torino. ITALY

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Import input
ONIOM setup
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ONIOM setup


MOLDRAW can also prepare Gaussian98 input file for a two-layers ONIOM calculation (three-layers are still non supported). ONIOM method has been introduced by Maseras and Morokuma  (F. Maseras and K. Morokuma, J. Comp. Chem. 16, 1170 (1995)) to treat complex molecular systems by dividing the system in two regions, one treated with a high level of theory (accurate but expensive) while the whole system (the second region) is computed with a lower level of theory (rough but cheap). An example of the ONIOM application from the author's work  can be downloaded here.




As an example, the silasesquioxyde H4O7Si4 molecule is considered. The SiOH terminal silanol is a functionality where hydrogen bond interaction may occur, so that high level of theory should be used for this fragment.



Open the (Edit--->Assign and edit ONIOM atoms) menu to select the atoms belonging to the high level region. Atoms belonging to the high region will appear in white colour. Any atom can be set again to the low level region by selecting Low level on the ONIOM dialog and clicking the offending atom.















The structure is ready to be exported to Gaussian (Export label in the toolbar).

A dialog already containing a two-level ONIOM setup pops up. Default values are B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) and MNDO for the high and low level calculations, respectively.













The resulting Gaussian input file is shown below. MOLDRAW automatically assigns the proper molecular mechanics symbol for the various atoms, so that both UFF and DREIDING molecular mechanics calculations can be performed. In the present case, the oxygen atoms linked to two silicon atoms are correctly assigned the O-O_3_z symbol.


%mem= 32MB
Input made by MOLDRAW  03/09/2006
 0  1
 H           0    0.9285768006    3.2493208960    1.5298112333 H
 O           0    0.1615527168    2.9445453293    1.0331238021 H
 SI          0    0.1064071201    1.4072237980    0.5089069682 H
 O-O_3_z     0    0.1708459137    0.2657282227    1.7271221830 L  H  3
 SI          0    0.0464501128   -1.3365143320    1.2594038596 L
 H           0    0.0956971661   -2.2650433577    2.3863098745 L
 O-O_3_z     0    1.3451094021    0.9944346347   -0.5334147574 L  H  3
 SI          0    1.3064735413   -0.5545883327   -1.1662267882 L
 H           0    2.4149791976   -0.8257789130   -2.0784655011 L
 O           0   -1.3089581944    1.1306467771   -0.3154791442 L  H  3
 SI          0   -1.5275724194   -0.4119935442   -0.9263263156 L
 H           0   -2.7951196997   -0.5679635460   -1.6350476830 L
 O           0   -1.3761325088   -1.4439254766    0.3838726990 L
 O           0   -0.1931938384   -0.7098355533   -1.8933645557 L
 O           0    1.2799887491   -1.5831456685    0.1545631251 L




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