| Saving the molecular coordinates
The user can save the actual coordinates to be read back again by
MOLDRAW in three different ways.
- File--->Save MOL file--->Fractional XYZ menu. The
saved file contains the fractional coordinates (adimensional), i.e. the
coordinates relative to the unit cell parameters. This is useful when
subsequent crystal manipulation is desidered.
- File--->Save MOL file--->Cartesian XYZ menu. The
saved file contains the cartesian coordinates (Angstrom), i.e. the coordinates
relative to the orthonormal reference set (CELL 1.0 1.0 1.0 90. 90. 90.). This
is useful if a molecule or fragment from a crystal structure is saved for
quantum mechanical calculations. The connectivity information is not saved in
the file.
- File--->Write MOL file with connectivity menu. The
saved file contains the cartesian coordinates (Angstrom), i.e. the coordinates
relative to the orthonormal reference set (CELL 1.0 1.0 1.0 90. 90. 90.). This
is useful if a molecule or fragment from a crystal structure is saved for
quantum mechanical calculations. The connectivity information is saved
in the file.
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