MOLDRAW: a program to display and manipulate molecular and crystalline structures


by Piero UGLIENGO  University of Torino - Dipartimento Chimica. Via P. Giuria 7 -10125 Torino. ITALY

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New structure
Crystal cell
Crystal box
Nice pictures
Chime structures
Jmol structures

MOLDRAW exports to Chime structures

Warning: this option is active for compatibility with the past. To the author's knowledge, the Chime plugin is no longer supported by modern browser.


MOLDRAW can prepare a full set of files to be read by a web browser which is ready to accept the Chime plugin. Chime is a browser plug-in that renders 2D and 3D molecules directly within a Web page. The molecules are "live", meaning they are not just static pictures, but chemical structures that scientists can rotate, reformat, and save in various file formats for use in modeling or database applications.

Click the Export keyword from the toolbar and select the Chime [HTML] option. Two files are created: chime_moldraw_chime.mol containing the structure information in MDL format andchime_moldraw.html which allows the structure to be rendered by Chime in a plug-in capable browser (usually Internet explorer). To see the structure below as a rotating object you should have already installed the Chime plugin in your browser. 

Molecule title 
 Sticks model 
 Balls and sticks model 
 Spacefilling model 
 vdW surface on 
 vdW surface off 
 Black background 
 White background 
 Zoom in 
 Zoom out

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