| Toolbar
MOLDRAW shows a toolbar with the most common options available as a single
mouse click. The toolbar is shown below:

- Read: reads a prexistent .MOL file
- Write: writes a .MOL file of the present structure.
Connectivity and other information are also stored in the .MOL file. Unit cell
infos are lost
- Import: opens the dialog to import a variety of molecular
- Export: opens a form to export the coordinates in different formats
- Imp GAU98: imports a structure from the .LOG/.OUT
Gaussian98/G03 (http://www.gaussian.com ) output file.
- Imp CRY03: imports a structure from the .OUT CRYSTAL03/06
(http://www.crystal.unito.it) output file.
- Cell: generates the crystal unit cell content of the
actual structure.
- Pack: generates a cell packing in a user
contrallable fashion.
- Dist: calculates the distance (Angstrom) between any two
- Angle: calculates the bond angle (degrees) between
any three different atoms.
- Tors: calculates the torsion angle (degrees) defined by
four non-collinear atoms.
- HB-/+: shows/hides the H-bonds in the actual structure.
- Label atom: labels the atom selected by the left-button
mouse click.
- Unlabel all: unalbels all previously labelled atoms.
- Stick: renders the structure in sticks.
- Stick+B: renders the structure in stick+balls.
- Wire: renders the structure in sticks whose thickness
dependent on the position.
- Tube: renders the structure in sticks of bigger
- Spokes: renders the structure in ball & spokes
- Solid: renders the structure in ball & spokes
- CPK-: renders the structure in quick CPK scaled van der
Waals spheres.
- CPK+: renders the structure in slow CPK scaled van der
Waals spheres.
- Sel all atom: selects all atoms belonging to the actual
- Sel atom: selects atoms clicked with the left-button
- Recenter: re-centers the actual structure on the screen.
- Sel fragment: selects one or more unconnected fragments
within the structure.
- Ren atom: renames an atom clicked by left-button mouse
with one selected from a list.
- Del atom: removes atoms clicked by the left-button mouse.
- Link: connects clicked atoms with a bond.
- Unlink: disconnects clicked atoms.
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