Export to other file formats
MOLDRAW can export in a variety of different structure file format as
described by the (File-->Export to...) menu or by clicking the Export label
on the toolbar:

The complete list of exportable formats is:
- Gaussian [G98/G03/G09] input files (*.gjf;*.com)
- CRYSTAL [CRY03/CRY06/CRY09] input files (*.d12)
- GNXAS input files (*.inp)
- MOLPLOT input files (*.plt)
- PLUTO-78 input files (*.plt)
- PLUTON input files (*.spf)
- SHACKAL input files (*.dat)
- XMOL files (*.xyz)
- Protein Data Bank file with connectivity (*.pdb)
- Persistence of Vision (PovRay) files (*.pov)
- Molecular Design Limited files with connectivity (*.mol)
- Chime file with the associated MDL file (*.html)
- VASP POSCAR input file
- PowderCell input file (*.cel)
- Crystallographic Interchange Format (*.cif)
- MOPAC (including PBC conditions as in MOPAC2012) (*.mop)
- JMOL (builds an HTML file associated with the .cif file)
Some options are well tested (Gaussian, CRYSTAL, XMOL, Pov-Ray, MOPAC)
whereas others (EXAFS, Shackal) are less tested. Powder Cell software (http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/ccp/web-mirrors/powdcell/a_v/v_1/powder/details/powcell.htm)
is a very powerful and handy tool to simulate powder diffraction spectrum
starting from structural data. MOLDRAW can export a compatible file to Powder
Cell. For MOPAC the export is able to automatically export periodic boundary
conditions infos.
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