Preparing Gaussian input file
An input file (.GJF extension) ready to be submitted to Gaussian98/03
program is prepared by MOLDRAW, by the (File--->Export
to...--->Gaussian98) menu.
A form with the most important options is provided. Please consider that the
molecule will be saved in cartesian coordinates only (no Z-matrix) and
that, at the moment, only a small subset of the available Gaussian03
options can be specified.
If ONIOM layers have been previously specified, the
form automatically pops up with the two layers specification.
MOLDRAW also compute the actual molecular charge and spin multiplicity (2S+1,
where S is the total spin component) so that the user can check for some
inconsistencies in the structure.
When molecular mechanics optimizations are requested (either UFF or DREIDING)
Gaussian will adopt a different optimization algorithm, which is particularly
efficient compared to the one adopted for QM methods. In this case, however, the
optimized geometry is no longer printed at the end of the calculation. In order
for MOLDRAW to read the final optimized geometry a two steps input file is
written: in the first part the optimization is carried out while in the second
part the optimum geometry will be read back from the checkpoint file. The
geometry displayed by MOLDRAW will then be the optimized one.
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