Transform view
Each structure can be exactly rotated or translated by means of the
transform widget which is available under the
(View-->Tansform) menu.

The user can set the roation angle (in the present case is set to
90 degrees) and rotate the structure around X, Y, Z axis in a clockwise
(+) and anticlockwise (-) fashion.
Similarly, translation is controlled by its amount (in the present
case is set to 1 Angstrom) and buttons act consequently.
By setting Cont. rotation toggle the
rotation continuos, whereas the Save PovRay allows
each structure to be dumped as a Pov ray file for subsequent rendering (see this link for details to how
render a PovRay structure).
Please consider that rotation and translation will act on the
selected atoms and fragments only. For further info on selecting atoms and
fragments follow this
This widget is particularly useful for setting crystal view in a
very precise and reproducible way.