This file includes three fields: the order number, the Hermann-Mauguin point
group symbol and the Schonflies symbol. Symbols in parenthes gives the direction
of the principal rotation axis. The file is used to export molecular structures
to the CRYSTAL03 program
and the format is taken from the CRYSTAL03 manual.
1 1 C1 2 -1 Ci 3 2(x) C2(x) 4 2(y) C2(y) 5 2(z) C2(z) 6 m(x) Cs(x) 7 m(y) Cs(y) 8 m(z) Cs(z) 9 2/m(x) C2h(x) 10 2/m(y) C2h(y) 11 2/m(z) C2h(z) 12 222 D2 13 2mm C2v(x) 14 m2m C2v(y) 15 mm2 C2v(z) 16 mmm D2h 17 4 C4 18 -4 S4 19 4/m C4h 20 422 D4 21 4mm C4v 22 -42m D2d (sv
x+y x-y) 23 -4m2 D2d (sv x
y) 24 4/mmm D4h 25 3 C3 26 -3 C3i 27 321 D3 (C2(y)) 28 312 D3 (C2(x)) 29 3m1 C3v (sv(x)) 30 31m C3v (sv(y)) 31 -3m1 D3d (sd(x)) 32 -31m D3d (sd(y)) 33 6 C6 34 -6 C3h 35 6/m C6h 36 622 D6 37 6mm C6v 38 -6m2 D3h (C2(x)) 39 -62m D3h (C2(y)) 40 6/mmm D6h 41 23 T 42 m-3 Th 43 432 O 44 -43m Td 45 m-3m Oh
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